這年頭,高尿酸已經成為高血壓、高血糖、高血脂之后的「第四高」了,越來越多年輕人也被盯上。都說尿酸高或痛風,要多注意飲食控制;也經常有朋友對照著食物嘌呤表,管控自己的一日三餐。問題來了:在喝的方面,是不是也有一些講究?這回,針對 10 種常見的飲品,我們一次性給你盤清楚。據(jù)說第一、第六、第九種,很多人搞錯,趕緊來看看你踩坑了沒?收藏這份飲品清單下次就不用再糾結啦如果你的家人、朋友查出尿酸偏高,或者已經確診高尿酸血癥或痛風,順手轉發(fā)這一篇,讓 ta 感受你的愛吧!合作專家阮慧娟上海交通大學醫(yī)學院附屬新華醫(yī)院營養(yǎng)科主治醫(yī)師、中國注冊營養(yǎng)師審核專家羅徐長沙市中心醫(yī)院風濕科副主任醫(yī)師武漢市金銀潭醫(yī)院風濕科主治醫(yī)師聶順利對本文亦有貢獻策劃 猴鴿監(jiān)制Feidi插畫喪文魚封面圖來源喪文魚參考文獻1. 中華醫(yī)學會內分泌學分會. 中國高尿酸血癥與痛風診療指南(2019)[J]. 中華內分泌代謝雜志, 2020, 036(001):1-13.2. Chuang S Y , Lee S C , Hsieh Y T , et al. Trends in hyperuricemia and gout prevalence: Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan from 1993-1996 to 2005-2008.[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011, 20(2):301-308.3. Park K Y , Kim H J , Ahn H S , et al. Effects of coffee consumption on serum uric acid: systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2016:580-586.4. Messina, Mark, Virginia L , et al. Soyfoods, hyperuricemia and gout: A review of the epidemiologic and clinical data.[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011.5. Dalbeth N , Palmano K . Effects of Dairy Intake on Hyperuricemia and Gout[J]. Current Rheumatology Reports, 2010, 13(2):132-137. 6. Guillermo Mena-Sánchez a b, B N B A , Nerea Becerra-Tomás a b, et al. Association between dairy product consumption and hyperuricemia in an elderly population with metabolic syndrome[J]. Nutrition, metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2020, 30( 2):214-222.7. Jamnik J , Rehman S , Blanco Mejia S , et al. Fructose intake and risk of gout and hyperuricemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies[J]. Bmj Open, 2016, 6(10):e013191.8. 張煜婷, 唐霄楊, 伍剛. 果糖誘導高尿酸血癥及對腎臟損傷的研究進展[J]. 臨床腎臟病雜志 2019,19(10), 781-7849. Wang M , Jiang X , Wu W , et al. A meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and the risk of gout[J]. Clinical Rheumatology, 2013, 32(11):1641-1648.▼-歡迎掃二維碼關注原作者-本文授權轉載自丁香醫(yī)生(DingXiangYiSheng),二次轉載或合作請聯(lián)系 WeChat:DingDangDXYS。有溫度、有知識、有態(tài)度。丁香醫(yī)生,新一代大眾健康品牌。版權信息:以上文章內容轉載于【丁香醫(yī)生】,如需轉載請聯(lián)系原作者。侵權請聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com
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